Spanish course for beginners
A low-threshold course in Spanish, learn basic Spanish at our intensive course.
Spanish course for beginners
We are keeping Spanish course for basic learners. This is a low-threshold course aiming to aquire basic Spanish, such as ordering in a restaurant, shopping and keeping a simple conversation in Spanish.
Learn Spanish!
We are keeping courses in suitable premises in Ålesund or surrounding area. We will adapt to fit the course participants’ desires. We may also carry out e-courses to meet all demands possible. We will implement the electronical courses by using Teams. The course material is similar whatever category you choose. It is also possible for us to designe courses by demand, moreover customize courses according to the customers requirement. It is also possible to carry on to next level if you want supplement. We carry out this Spanish course according to the European standard where A1 is the level of beginners, and A2 is the level above.
Teaching in classroom
Courses carried out in classroom will span two weekends. We will keep lessons with duration of 5-6 hours Saturay and Sunday. The participants can enjoy Spanish inspired lunch included in the fee.
Prize: 5000,- pr.person, course material included. We offer reduced prizes. for couples and families. Please contact us for a non-commital talk by telephone or e-mail.
We can offer electronical course for those who prefer digital learning. If you have access to Teams, you will get instructions and assistance directly through iPad or PC.
Prize: 4500,- pr person, course material included. We offer reduced prizes for couples and family. Please contact us for a non-commital talk by telephone or e-mail.
About us
The course instructor is Katrine Briksdal. She got her background at the University of Málaga, Spain. She teaches Spanish at secondary level. The course and the material are designed by Katrine. She has aimed to implement pedagogical and didactical foundation in the course.
Johnny Træet masters Spanish, and he will therefore assist and facilitate the course in collaboration with Katrine.